
  • ACC paper “Attack-Resilient Weighted L1 Observer with Prior Pruning” has been accepted!(2021.01.24)
  • So proud for our Ai-track-at-sea team, won 2rd place in the competition! (2021.01.16)
  • Merry Christmas! (2020.12.25)
  • Go skiing! (2020.12.20 - 2020.12.23)
  • Submit AI-track-at-sea Competition.(2020.12.02)
  • Be invited as delegate reviewer for IEEE 2021 ACC (2020.10.19)
  • Pass preliminary exam, become Ph.D. candidate in ECE! Keep fighting! (2020.09.18)
  • Present on vitual ASME 2020 DSCC (2020.09.16)
  • Work and study at Florida State University 1 year! (2020.08.21)
  • First conference paper in my PhD program was accepted by ASME DSCC2020! (2020.06.09)